Monday, August 3, 2009

Stress-free day

Mood: ^-^
Location: At the desk
Music: M - Bump

Ah... today was a holiday for me,
so my family and I went out for the majority of the day. We went to shore-like place (not exactly a beach... maybe more of a lake) and it had a cute little village like place with small shops like coffee shops, gift shops and the sort. Parking was rather scarce, so it took us a long time to get a space. Kayak rentals there were really popular, as I could see many kayaks out on the water. Even the kayak rental places were busy. After that, we went to this forest park place and it was REALLY cool!

There was a really large river in the middle of the park with several bridges for people to go on. There were even several fishermen who wanted to catch any unlucky fish, though as hard as I looked, I couldn't see any fish. There were several large trails in the park and we wandered around. The place revealed to be a place where it is easy for people to see the Salmon when the season starts, though we're still a little early. There was a hatchery and an exhibit for salmon as well. The place was really well organized and well-built, with lots of stuff to see. And to think... the admission was free as well. I think at the very least, they should put a donation box somewhere to collect money to add to their exhibits, since the place was rather popular with tourists.

Even after going home, I think that was probably the funnest part of the day. I got to see a lot of neat stuff and was in a nature-environment, which made me forget the stressing things like having a final exam on Thursday and school tomorrow. Here's some photos!

Wah... I'm so tired, but I can't rest just yet. There's still homework and revision for tomorrow's classes to be done. I really really can't wait for this week to be over. Summer school will end! Only got to work hard for another 3 days and then I'll have 3 weeks of summer before school starts again. Fighting! ^^


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